The Group Annual Report is now available and can be viewed below and on the download page at
Category: Activities
Cotswold Marathon 8th February 2025
The 2025 Cotswold Marathon event is fast approaching, last year we had five teams entered and came away with two trophies, we’d like to try and do the same this year if we can!
The event is a challenging winter night hike over three routes of 10, 20 or 30 miles, categorized as Bronze, Silver and Gold events. It is a very popular event with over 500 scouts and guides taking part, a great challenge and experience for the scouts, it can also count towards your DofE activity if they are doing that.
First practice walk is Sunday October 20th meeting at Symonds Yat view point by the cafe at 10:00 ( , and will be around 7 miles in length over a route that probably most have never walked around the forest. The first walk is a gentle stroll and we aim to increase pace and endurance over the following walks as we put the teams together. We are looking for Scouts that will be 11 years of age on the 8th Feb 2025 in order to take part. Hopefully we can get teams on the three routes again this year.Please follow the link to register interest :
Any questions please contact me – Steve –
CM-P1 Sunday 20th October – local – Symonds Yat Rock view point 10:00 start, finish 15:00
(route –
Kit List:
Suitable footwear – Walking boots/shoes
waterproof trousers
waterproof jacket
warm hat & gloves
spare socksCM-P2 Sunday 24th November – local
CM-P3 Sunday 15th December – local – Xmas walk
CM-P4 Sunday 12th January on event route
CM-P5 Saturday 25th January on event route evening walk
CM Saturday 8th February

Strategy Camp 2024
Over a sunny (for a change) weekend in June Scouts from 1st Royal Forest set out for the Strategy Camp in Cirencester Park. Up to 2,000 scouts, guides, explorers and rangers and several hundred adult helpers to make it all happen.
Friday night was all about setting up, finding their way round the camp and briefing on activities for the weekend. Saturday saw the scouts set off in patrols on their activity hike through the huge area available for them in the park. Dozens of points based activities from craft type activities to physical challenges such as the pioneering assault course, gun carriage race, climbing and caving. After dinner more activities, games on the field and the disco and entertainment.
Sunday started off with packing personal kits then off to the presentations for winners of the activity hike and then more activities and a chance to use a giant inflatable park.
A great time was had by all, weather smiled on us and some seriously tired scouts at the end 🙂
Thanks to all the Leaders who made it happen, and to the scouts for making it such a pleasure.

Wednesday Scouts Exped
Recently, seven 1st Royal Forest Wednesday scouts took on their expedition challenge camp and hike. They set off from Redbook heading along the Wye Valley to camp at Botany Bay overnight.
The second day saw them navigating towards St Briavels via the Old Station in Tintern for a very welcome ice-cream stop. They all faced different challenges but we were really impressed with their teamwork, navigational skills, camp skills and determination to succeed. Two Scouts even managed to play chess whilst walking!

Thankyou for painting the hall
The Group would like to say a huge thank you to “Coats of perfection” who came in after Christmas and spent two days of their time freshening up the hall at the lodge.
They did a great job cleaning up the old surface and repainting the main walls and woodwork.
The difference it made was huge and certainly brightened up the lodge!
They have a nice little slide show of the work on their Facebook page, please do go take a look:

Happy Christmas & Thankyou
Happy Christmas and New Year to everyone!
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in the Group for all their input and effort. The young people in each of the sections for their enthusiasm and willingness to try new things, their parents that support them and therefore the Group.
Especially I’d like to thank all our volunteers that run and support each section, without them none of what we do would be possible. They get no financial gain from doing what they do, it is just the enjoyment they get in helping others to gain new skills for life and enjoy the outdoors. The best feeling is watching the young people start their Scouting journey, in Squirrels now, learning new skills, physical, mental and leadership skills as they grow within the Group. Hopefully like many they will come back to Scouting when older to pass on that knowledge as volunteers themselves.
This year there have been many opportunities, camps in the UK and overseas, adventure and badge weekends, challenge expeditions and competitive marches, sailing, climbing, caving, crafting and so many more.
So here is to a very Happy Christmas and New Year and a well earned short break for all our volunteers. Looking forward to more skills, camps and adventure next year!

Chair Trustee Board

Thankyou Jewson
1st Royal Forest would like to thank everyone at Jewson Coleford branch for their support with materials this year.
Discounts have enabled us to move forward on projects that benefit all the young people in the group and include a donation of these two internal doors.
Wishing everyone at Jewson Coleford a Happy Christmas and a great New Year!

Parkend Christmas Lights
Join the Group at 5:40 by the cricket pavilion

Annual General Meeting
The groups AGM is Sunday 26th from 17:30 :
- Xmas decoration making for tree
- Turkey or Sausage rolls
- Hot chocolate

Please let your leader know if attending so we can gauge numbers for refreshments, thankyou.
Cotswold Marathon 2024 – Practice 1
Our first practice for the 2024 Cotswold marathon will be on Sunday 22nd October with an 8 mile walk from Redbrook up the Newland valley, through Clearwell by the Castle, then onto Sling and dropping down through the Forest back to the Beaver Lodge.
This will be a fairly leisurely stroll as we start to build pace and endurance across the future practice walks.

The marathon itself is a timed event with trophies for winners in various classes. The event takes place on 3rd February 2024 in teams of three overnight across three distances:
Bronze – 10 miles
Silver – 20 miles
Gold – 30 miles
This year we are hoping to have teams in all events and be challenging for the trophies.
For the practice walk walkers will need:
- Walking shoes/boots
- Waterproofs
- drink
- snacks/packed lunch
Start – 09.30 Redbrook carpark – what3words or GoogleMaps
Finish – approx 13:00 Beaver lodge
For more information and to join the teams email Steve