Due to major flooding of the roads around the Forest, including those leading into Parkend we have postponed tonight’s AGM until the same times next week. Currently Fetter Hill from Coleford to Parkend is closed, New Road between Whitecroft and Parkend is barely open, similarly the road from Lydney to Whitecroft.
Category: Uncategorised
Leafy Animals
Get crafty with natural materials and make a leafy rabbit or hedgehog!
- Collect plenty of leaves (leave them to dry if damp), twigs, grass, shells, pebbles, seed cases any natural material from your garden or a walk with a family member if it is safe to do so.
- Look at your collection of natural material. Are there different shapes and sizes? Imaging what animal you could create from there shapes. For example, Spiky like an alligator? Round smooth stones like fluffy chick?
- Arrange your leaves etc. on to a piece of card to make an animal. Clue down when you are happy.
- Does your animal need eyes to see? What about a place to live or sleep?
- Don’t forget to take a photo and share it with your leader.
- Wash your hands after this activity.
- Some ideas to help you.

Healthy Food
Keeping healthy is very important for rabbits. Keeping healthy is very important for us too. Using magazines, papers or food packaging, find out which foods are healthy and unhealthy or what we should have little of. Divide a piece of paper/card into two, cut out and stick your pictures under the headings healthy/unhealthy foods.
1st Royal Forest AGM 2019 and Annual report
AGM 2019 – Annual Report
Incident Hike for Scouts
Saturday 30th November from Linear Park Cinderford to the Beaver Lodge. Speak to your leaders about entering teams