Cotswold Marathon – Main Event

Our team from Tuesday Scouts on their first go at the Cotswold Marathon came 6th out of 51 teams on the Bronze 10 mile Route!!
Outstanding teamwork taking over an hour off their full practise hike on the route.

The night started at the Beaver lodge where we met up and then drove to Murray Hall in Gloucester for registration and the start. Registration involved each team member being signed in, given wrist bands with our walker numbers on, a race tracker for the team and a strict kit check of the emergency items and kit list.
Then after waiting in the tents each team jostled forward to get their cards marked with their start time and then set off. Over Robinswood Hill, thankfully at that point not too wet so not a complete mudfest as it was on their first practise walk. CP1 at the top of the hill, down past the ski centre to CP2, then the climb up to Painswick Beacon CP3, half way, they stormed up this climb! Great view of the lights of Gloucester and beyond, but by then the weather was starting to close in and a constant drizzle accompanied the wind.
Onwards to Cranham Scout Centre for CP4 then another sharp climb out of Cranham to CP5 at the top of the hill, nearly there. Race across the top when they realized they may get under 4 hours to CP6 and Bronze finish at Birdlip dead on 4 hours, medals all round from the County Commissioner Mark Spiller.
Hot chocolate and short wait for the bus back to the start and our transport home again with some very damp, tired, sleepy but happy young people.
A great event, well organized and run, thanks to all that take the time to volunteer to run it and man the checkpoints etc.
Onwards to the Silver 20 mile route hopefully for this team next year, and looking forward to putting in some more teams from the group hopefully.

Visual memory to take away? Looking back from Painswick Beacon at Robinswood Hill and seeing the chain of torches in the distance as teams further back were making their way down.

Cotswold Marathon Practise 2

Heading out from Painswick Beacon

The Cotswold marathon is an annual night hike event for scouts and explorers over three routes, 10, 20 and 30 miles.
This year Tuesday Scouts have a team of three entered into the Bronze event (10 miles).
Sunday they had their second practise walk over the first 5 miles of the route in daylight, and a challenging climb up Robins Wood hill, followed by the climb to Painswick Beacon.
They have two more practise hikes, the second 5 miles in daylight then an evening hike of around 7 miles of the route before the event in early February.

More details on the event at

District Incident Hike

Well done to our Cubs and Scouts teams that took part in the District Incident Hike.

The Cubs had to navigate the 4.5km route taking it in turns to lead the way using their map skills. At various checkpoints they then had to complete tasks using their problem solving skills and scouting knowledge.

The Scouts had a similar course with tasks, but over a 6km course and in the dark! Everyone completed the event and solved all the tasks to finish with a hot chocolate and hot dog. Well done everyone.

Thanks to all our volunteers that helped walk with the teams and also sit in the woods on their own for hours running the checkpoints and challenges. A Special thanks to Gareth for organizing the event.

AGM and Awards

Thanks to all that attended the AGM and congratulations to all those below that received awards presented by Martin Williams representing the District Commissioner.

From left to right:
Ang Healy – 2 Wood Badges
Diane Ruck – Award of Merit
Steve Crick – Award of Merit
also, unable to attend but awards for Tracy Lashford, 10 Year Certificate and Award of Merit.

Well done to all of you and thanks for all the work you do with the Group.