Carry On Scouting Badge

To earn the ‘Carry on Scouting’ Badge, you need to complete as many activities listed below as you can. Your leader will decide how many you need to do. You must wear your uniform when you do the activities and take a photo or video of you performing it. Your Leader will decide if they want the photos and videos upload to a secure Facebook page or handed in when you return to regular Scout meetings.

So here we go – here are the activities:

  • Set up camp in your garden, bedroom or another room in your home and sleep there for at least two nights
  • Lay a tracking trail around your home and garden for your family to find the hidden treasure (chocolate is always a good idea)
  • Learn how to wash, dry and iron your scout uniform
  • Prepare and serve a meal for your family (and wash up afterwards)
  • Learn to tie 6 knots from watch videos on YouTube.
  • Hold an online meeting with your leaders and other Young People to plan the programme for term when Scout meetings re-start*
  • Telephone or facetime 5 people you know who are on their own and would like some company*
  • Wash your hands whilst singing “happy birthday to me” twice
  • Send messages to other Beavers, Cubs, Scouts or Explorers (or your leaders) using secret codes such as Morse code, semaphore
  • Make a model of a Scout Campsite using craft or recycled materials
  • Make the tallest tower you can which can take the weight of an orange (or apple) using just 20 sheets of newspaper and 1 roll of sticky tape.
  • Make a bug hotel or bird box
  • Learn how to change a tyre on a bike or car
  • Practice your first aid on a member of your family. Put on a triangular bandage (you can use your neckerchief), put your casualty in the recovery position, know how to treat a burn or scold, bandage an arm or leg.
  • Design a poster promoting your Scout section.
  • Learn a new skill, such as craft, DIY, art, language or performing arts
  • Go stargazing in your garden. Identify different stars and constellations.
  • Build mini-pioneering projects such as a catapult, tower, gateway, bridge
  • Create a webpage about the history of either:
    • Scouting
    • Your family
    • Local area
  • Design a new uniform for Beavers, Cubs, Scouts or Explorers
  • Make a collage of your favourite scouting activity
  • Make a kite
  • Play a board game with your family
  • Build a mini raft for your teddy so they can go in the bath
  • Have a pancake day
  • Learn the promise and law off by heart
  • Draw a map of the local area, include symbols and places of local interest
  • Build and decorate a Scout themed junk model
  • Design and make a new Scout board game
  • Write a prayer or thought of the day about either:
    • Caring for others
    • When life is hard
    • Worry, anxiety or stress
    • Thankful for others’ actions
    • Caring for the environment
    • Making each day special

Don’t forget to take photos or videos and check with your leader to find the best way to share them. Your leader will also tell you how many activities you need to complete to earn the badge.