Over a sunny (for a change) weekend in June Scouts from 1st Royal Forest set out for the Strategy Camp in Cirencester Park. Up to 2,000 scouts, guides, explorers and rangers and several hundred adult helpers to make it all happen.
Friday night was all about setting up, finding their way round the camp and briefing on activities for the weekend. Saturday saw the scouts set off in patrols on their activity hike through the huge area available for them in the park. Dozens of points based activities from craft type activities to physical challenges such as the pioneering assault course, gun carriage race, climbing and caving. After dinner more activities, games on the field and the disco and entertainment.
Sunday started off with packing personal kits then off to the presentations for winners of the activity hike and then more activities and a chance to use a giant inflatable park.
A great time was had by all, weather smiled on us and some seriously tired scouts at the end 🙂
Thanks to all the Leaders who made it happen, and to the scouts for making it such a pleasure.